The first installment of the narrative budget appeared in the June Messenger and is also found on the Stewardship Committee page on the DRCC website.  That installment discussed the major expenses of the church and how they provide the framework for all the programs, missions, ministries and community outreach activities of the DRCC.  This installment is about one of the most visible programs at the DRCC: Music.  The music program makes up 6 percent of the total budget of the DRCC.


That money goes to salaries, the purchase of music including copyrights where needed, maintenance of the organ and piano, and a substitute pianist and organist for the early service or vacations.

We are so blessed to have dedicated and talented musicians in our church family, who share their love of music and enrich our services.  Organist Annetta Sekula welcomes us each Sunday with a beautiful prelude, which many of us enjoy as we meditate and pray and prepare our hearts for worship.  She also provides the accompaniment to our hymns, prayer responses, Gloria Patri and the doxology.  The Senior and Junior Choirs, and occasionally soloists or small groups, add another joyful dimension to the church’s music ministry.  Claudia Hardy volunteers as our Bell Choir Director, leading both the Senior and Junior Handbell Choirs.  It is such a treat to hear the bells ringing out from the balcony at Easter and Christmas, and periodically throughout the year.

We take these gifts for granted, but could you imagine a worship service with no piano or organ to guide us along?  If not for the choir, how would we learn new hymns?  Easter and Christmas just wouldn’t feel the same without a special bell choir anthem!  Of course, none of this happens without a great deal of preparation and rehearsal.  The dedication of Annetta, Claudia, and the members of the choir and bell choir enrich our services and deserve our gratitude.

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands!
Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come into his presence with singing!
Psalm 100:1