Youth Communion Services will take place at 10:00 am on the first Sunday of the month in the Upper Fellowship Hall. Music, readings and partaking of the elements are all part of this 15 minute service done largely in part by the youth of our Church. This service is for the 5th through 12th grade and the teachers of our Sunday School. The 4th grade class will join us after they receive their First Communion on Maundy Thursday.

In the United Church of Christ, communion is also called the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist and means “thanksgiving.” Christians hear, taste, touch and receive the grace of God revealed through Jesus Christ in a unique way. The communion meal is symbolic of the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples on the night before his death. Today, communion is…

A joyous act of thanksgiving for all God has done, is doing, and will do for the redeeming of creation

A sacred memorial of the crucified and risen Christ, a living and effective sign of Christ’s sacrifice in which Christ is truly and rightly present to those who eat and drink;

An earnest prayer for the presence of the Holy Spirit to unite those who partake with the Risen Christ and with each other, and to restore creation, making all things new; 

An intimate experience of fellowship in which the whole church in every time and place is present and divisions are overcome

A hopeful sign of the promised Realm of God marked by justice, love and peace.

At DRCC, we share Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and on special days of the church calendar, including Maundy Thursday before Easter. and the Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service.  At the 10:00 service, the elements passed to participants seated in the pews.  Our bread is offered from a loaf for tearing off a portion, or as a cube of bread.  We offer juice  in small individuals cups. We believe it is Jesus Christ who invites us to partake of this holy meal, so we welcome all gathered in worship to share the Lord’s Supper.  This means adults, members, visitors, regular worshipers and those seeking to know God…everyone!  At the early, 8:30  service, We welcome all people of faith to Christ’s table as we share in the practice of intinction, a custom observed by churches throughout the world.  You are invited to come to the front of the church to receive the elements. Take the bread and dip it into the cup, then partake before returning to your seat.  This is a sign of your acceptance of the love and grace of Christ into your life.


Contact the Church Office for further information.