Rev. Timothy Haut, Sr. Pastor

Reverend Timothy E. Haut has been the pastor of the First Congregational Church of Deep River (UCC) since 1980. He is married to Phyllis Bjornberg-Haut, a nurse. They have 4 grown sons, Matthew, Adam, Justin and Martin and two beautiful granddaughters, Ariana and Lily Haut. They reside in the Parsonage across the street from the church with their two dogs, Bug and Jake, two cats, Sushi and Ming and two parakeets, Pepper and Salt. (They also have 6 unnamed goldfish in a little garden pond.) When they are not working or engaged in church activities (they both sing in the choir), they enjoy spending time with their granddaughters and trying to keep up with the various gardens on the Parsonage property. Mission trips are near and dear to their hearts and they have visited the Dominican Republic, holding medical mission trips to the destitute sugar cane workers there. Phyllis has also visited Haiti for several years after the earthquake in January 2010 and also accompanied our church on a mission trip to El Salvador. Tim has a passion and great talent for creative writing and lively sermons, one never knows what will happen during a Sunday morning service. A poem for the cover of the Sunday bulletin each week, Advent stories, and Lenten Crossword Puzzles are just a few of the ways that our minister shares his many talents with our congregation. One of the congregations favorite Tim contributions are his Letters from Aunt Tillie.

Reverend Haut, was born in Davenport, Iowa. Following graduation from Davenport Central High School in 1965, he entered Gustavus Aldolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota, where he received his B.A. degree, summa cum laude, in 1969. In 1972 he received his Master of Divinity degree from Yale Divinity School.

On June 4, 1972, he was ordained by the Fairfield Association, United Church of Christ at the Union Memorial Church, Glenbrook (Stamford), Connecticut. Before accepting a call from the Deep River church in 1980, Rev. Haut served as Assistant Minister of the First Congregational Church in Guilford, Connecticut, and was Associate Minister of the Greenfield Hill Congregational Church in Fairfield, Connecticut.