This is the sixth and final installment of the narrative budget. It will appear in the Messenger and will also be published on the Stewardship Committee page on the DRCC website. This installment is about the Board of Christian Education.

The Board of Christian Education makes up 5.5 percent of the total budget of the DRCC. The money is used for the director’s salary, programs and supplies.

The Board of Christian Education is responsible for the religious education provided in Sunday School for our children and grandchildren. It is under the direction of Sybil Higgins and includes a dedicated group of Sunday School teachers and classroom assistants, many of whom have volunteered for this important duty for years.

This is the fifth installment of the Stewardship Committee’s Narrative Budget. This article pertains to the Board of Christian Service, which comprises 4.6% of the church budget. Most of these funds are directed to Church World Service, a “cooperative ministry of 37 Christian denominations and communions affiliated with the National Council of Churches in the United States, providing sustainable self-help, development, disaster relief, and refugee assistance around the world” (source: Wikipedia).

This is the fourth installment of the narrative budget.  It will appear in the November Messenger and will also be published on the Stewardship Committee page on the DRCC website. This installment is about the Board of Deacons.
The Board of Deacons makes up 3.5 percent of the total budget of the DRCC. 

The third installment of the narrative budget will appear in the October Messenger and will also be published on the Stewardship Committee page on the DRCC website. This installment is about Youth and Family Ministry.

The Youth and Family program makes up 7.5 percent of the total budget of the DRCC.  That money goes to salaries, mileage, youth group activity supplies and occasional expenses incurred in fundraising for the youth mission fund.

The first installment of the narrative budget appeared in the June Messenger and is also found on the Stewardship Committee page on the DRCC website.  That installment discussed the major expenses of the church and how they provide the framework for all the programs, missions, ministries and community outreach activities of the DRCC.  This installment is about one of the most visible programs at the DRCC: Music.  The music program makes up 6 percent of the total budget of the DRCC.

"Give as you are able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which he has given you.  Not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work.  And you will be enriched in every way for your great generosity".  ~ II Corinthians 9:7-8


Each year the Stewardship Committee launches a new campaign asking the members of the DRCC to pledge their offerings for the upcoming year. Pledging is a vital part of the financial viability of the church. Almost 70 percent of the DRCC's income comes from pledges. Another 10 percent comes from 'Prayed For' offerings collected each week. The remaining income of the DRCC comes from various fund raisers such as the Christmas Faire, investments from endowments of generous members that have accumulated over the years, and use of the building, primarily by Church Street Child Care. For 2014 the total expected income is nearly $320,000.

So where does this money go? As can be seen from the chart below, over 70 percent comes from three areas: Senior Pastor, Property Care and Board of Trustees (Administration). The remainder comes from the major programs of the church, Youth and Family Services, the Board of Christian Education, the Board of Christian Service, Music, and the Board of Deacons.


The Senior Pastor expense is, of course, the salary and benefits for our Senior Pastor, Tim Haut.

The Property Care Expense is the cost of owning and maintaining the church and associated properties including utilities, insurance, snow removal, grounds care, general maintenance and the salary and supplies of the sexton, who cleans and maintains the church and offices.

The expenses of the Board of Trustees include the salaries of the administrative staff (Office Manager, Treasurer and Collector) and associated payroll taxes, and office supplies and expenses.

The costs from these three areas provide the framework for all the activities of the DRCC. Without the building where we worship, without the pastor who leads us in worship and without the staff that prepares the notices and bulletins, collects funds and tracks accounts and all the other functions of the church office, we could not function as a church.

The remaining activities of the DRCC falls into five areas: Youth and Family Services, Board of Christian Education, Board of Christian Service, Music and Board of Deacons. Each of these important areas will be the subject of future articles.