This is the fourth installment of the narrative budget.  It will appear in the November Messenger and will also be published on the Stewardship Committee page on the DRCC website. This installment is about the Board of Deacons.
The Board of Deacons makes up 3.5 percent of the total budget of the DRCC. 


Slightly over half of that money is for an annual fee payable to the United Church of Christ.  The next largest cost is for guest speakers and preachers.  The remainder is for the expenses of Stephen Ministers, home ministry, the confirmation class and coffee hour.
According to the Constitution and By-Laws of DRCC…..”it shall be the  duty of the Board of Deacons to work with and assist the Minister in matters relating to worship services , sacraments, and other Spiritual interests of the Church and of its individual  members. It shall also provide for home visitation, encouragement of prospective members, and welcoming of new families into the community and church.”
This is a huge task for the members of this committee. Included in this are the following:

  • Organize Lenten services including Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter
  • Christmas Eve services
  • Hanging of the greens
  • Easter and Christmas flowers
  • Arrange for ushers
  • Organize Homecoming Sunday

There are other activities, such as monthly communion, that require significant effort by this committee that contribute to the primary activity of Deep River Congregational Church, which is to provide worship services for its members.
Worship is the primary focus of the Christian life in general and of our congregational life in particular. Many people who think of church think of what happens on Sunday morning. The Deacons are responsible for our Sunday morning services.