This is the sixth and final installment of the narrative budget. It will appear in the Messenger and will also be published on the Stewardship Committee page on the DRCC website. This installment is about the Board of Christian Education.

The Board of Christian Education makes up 5.5 percent of the total budget of the DRCC. The money is used for the director’s salary, programs and supplies.

The Board of Christian Education is responsible for the religious education provided in Sunday School for our children and grandchildren. It is under the direction of Sybil Higgins and includes a dedicated group of Sunday School teachers and classroom assistants, many of whom have volunteered for this important duty for years.


BCE also includes our Youth Communion classes, Confirmation classes, Vacation Bible School (now called Faith Adventures) and the Green Team, whose charge is to raise environmental awareness among the members of the church. The Safe Church Policyalso is part of BCE’s responsibilities.

The Sunday School students are engaged in church and volunteer activities throughout the year. This includes support for Heifer International, where the current goal of $5,000 has nearly been reached, UNICEF, CWS hygiene and school kits, the Souper Bowl Collection and the annual Sunday School Food Challenge to raise donations for the local food pantry. Many Sunday School students help atthe Christmas Faire, prepare meals for the Eddy Shelter and participate in the annual Christmas Pageant.

BCE organizes fund raising and other activities throughout the year that include the entire congregation of the DRCC. These include the annual Chili Cook Off, the Book Sale, the Sunday School Mission Fair, the Surf or Turf Chowder Challenge,, the Block Party and the Harvest Dinner Theatre, which has been held for eleven years.

The great success of the Board of Christian Education can be seen in the many active youth who grew up in the church and go on to participate in our church wide outreach programs.